1. Communication

1.1 Entrepreneurial Skills

An entrepreneur can be defined as a scared but fearless outsider who recovers quickly and listens

Adaptability, understanding your strengths and “faking it till you make it” can help you overcome entrepreneurial challenges

Idea, costs, management, brand value, customer relations and sales are the main needs your startup have

An entrepreneur’s mission is supposed to:

An entrepreneurs mindset typically means:

The main entrepreneurial challenges are:

The main entrepreneurial solutions to the challenges are:

Your startups main initial needs among other things cover:

1.2 Active listening and presentation Skills

Active listening requires that you build and measure before you can learn from it and potentially pivot your idea

Problem/issue/need, value proposition, future plans, Team + partners and call to action are among the important parts of a complete pitch deck

Partners would often prefer knowing about your business model. Investors knowing about your team and crowdfunders how you differentiate

At the heart of a startup you find:

In order to get and treat feedback effectively, you should

Examples of strategy pivots include:

A pitch deck among other things include:

When modifying your pitch deck to your target, you should:

1.3 Team building &Conflict resolution

Teams make the best decisions when

Healthy conflict is a key building block of an effective team.

The second stage of team formation and develop is

Which of the following is not a Team Maintenance Role?

Team creativity can be promoted in which of the following ways?

1.4 Critical Thinking & Decision Making

Critical thinking concerns…

A company decision to diversify into new products and markets is an example of non-programmed decisions.

The word critical in critical thinking refers to…

Decisions criteria are

Which of the following best expresses the difference between programmed and non-programmed decisions?

1.5 Strategic Planning

A mission statement is a short statement of why an organization exists, what its overall goal is.

A business plan should include an initial analysis, goals and objectives, a plan covering the main management areas and a projection of results.

The analysis stage includes:

Controlling (monitoring results) means:

Soft skills include math, knowledge and expertise.

1.6 Networking and Business Etiquette

Emotional intelligence means knowing yourself, keeping your emotions under control, empathizing and being able to persuade others.

Networking means calling up people all the time to ask for favors.

Networking allows your company to:

Business etiquette is basically about manners and following good practices in business relationships.

You have to follow basic business etiquette with:

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